Tighten your circle, Sagittarius mom. On Wednesday, the Sun arrives in Libra, your 11th house of group activity and technology, for four weeks. Fine-tune your Facebook friends first and then get lean and mean with your real-life social network. It speaks to your charm that you have so many acquaintances, but who are your go-to peeps when life gets messy? Nurture those relationships and they’ll be there for you when you need them. HuffPo Parents suggests that there are nine types you don’t need, should you require any help weeding out the dead weight.
You’re not an island, Sagittarius mom-to-be. Beginning Wednesday, when the Sun swings into Libra, your 11th house of groups, you’re tasked with finding your tribe. No need to go through this journey solo, Sag. Even if you don’t feel overly emotional about becoming a mother (or becoming a mother again), a little camaraderie with women who are experiencing the same issues could feel very supportive now. Can you open the door even a little? If a birthing group or prenatal yoga class isn’t your cup of chai, dip a toe in an online forum or follow some mommy blogs to feel less alone—because you most certainly are not!
By The AstroTwins, Ophira and Tali Edut