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Weekend Reading: Links We Like

Helping Hand

If you ever find yourself in a position to deliver someone's baby unexpectedly, here's how to do it without losing it. (And by "it," we mean your cool.) (The Cut)

Transplant Time

The first successful uterus transplant happened in the U.S. (NPR)

Too Much of a Good Thing

We are all about shooting for a fit, healthy pregnancy, but going overboard can be risky. (Fox News)

Testing, Testing

An NFL star's recent prenatal-testing scare has SELF wondering: How many tests are too many?

Ready to Roll

An ultra-fit new mom in Dubai is causing a stir with her 10-weeks-post-baby midsection and more. (Daily Mail)

Plus 1

A look at leap-year birthdays—and how moms-to-be aren’t so excited about them. (Baby Center)

Myth Busters

This funny Buzzfeed list explores the body myths that people believed when they were kids.

When to Ignore

People like to dole out nuggets of wisdom when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. This writer wants you to ignore these four. (Mind. Body. Green.)

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