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Your Must-Have Prenatal Core Workout

Estimated Time: 20 minutes, Perform 2 sets of each exercise.

  1. Bridging

    Position the back on the physioball so your head and shoulder blades are supported. Toes are pointed straight. Inhale lower hips straight down, exhale raise hips. Repeat 12X.

  2. Bridging with Theraband

    Starting in the bridge position. Inhale to prepare, exhale press thighs open against the resistance of the band. Hold 3 seconds. Repeat 12X.

  3. Bridge Challenge

    Starting in bridge position, place hands on front hip points. Inhale to prepare, exhale draw the front hip points together and wrap the core from front to back and lift one leg, hovering the foot off the ground. Holds 3 seconds. Alternate sides 12X.

  4. Seated Bent Knee Lift

    Sit in good posture on the physioball, place hands at the front hip points. Inhale to prepare, exhale draw the front hip bones together, squeeze the pelvic floor and lift one leg up. Focus on keeping the pelvis level as you lift the leg. Hold 3 seconds. Alternate sides 12X.

  5. Seated C Curve

    Start in good sitting posture on the ball. Arms extended in front at shoulder height. Inhale to prepare, exhale draw the belly in and curve into the back. Inhale return to starting position. Practice for 60 seconds. Repeat 3X.

  6. Side Leg Lift

    Start in kneeling and side bend over the physioball keeping one leg extended out to the side. Inhale to prepare, exhale draw the lower belly in and lift leg straight up. Watch that the leg does not move forward as you lift. The leg should lift about a foot off the ground. Repeat 12X each side.

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